a letter from the founder…
My wish is for everyone to feel happy and healthy. With getting2well, I help you to feed and exercise your mind and your body so you can get well and stay well.
Professionally, as a pharmacist for over 30 years, I worked to prevent medication errors and side effects from becoming life threatening. I recognized that medications are not a magic bullet.
Personally, I have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. I wanted to avoid these conditions and a lifetime of medication taking.
Knowing that it is often easier to prevent a problem than to solve a problem, I left pharmacy to become a health coach. Studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I learned nutrition and stress management.
In my health coaching practice and research, and personal experience, I realized something was missing. The answer was strength and flexibility. The way to get there? Yoga.
Are you a yoga skeptic? I do not blame you, I was too. I tore my rotator cuff in my first class and swore off of it for 15 years. Learning the health and longevity benefits from my research, however, I tried it again. This time in a new and safe practice environment where I got stronger and I have never felt better.
That led me to yoga teacher training. I received my E-RYT 500 from Yoga Mechanics; studying anatomy, alignment based hatha yoga, tantric philosophy, and proper ethics/teaching methodologies.
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If you’re reading this, chances are you may be looking for help in getting well or staying there!
Because let’s face it, it’s sometimes easy to make some hard changes and lose weight in the beginning, but the the hardest part is sustaining it. That’s when I personally rely on coaching to provide me perspective and accountability, two things that can be very hard to manage on your own.
So, what do you think? Are you ready to get to well? Let’s talk!
May you always be well,
Becky Nagle
“it is often easier to prevent a problem than to solve a problem”
getting 2 well’s philosophy and offerings:
A healthy mind and body require that you sleep well, eat well, AND move well. Sounds easy, right?
Unfortunately, this “simple” formula is easier said than done. Especially when our busy lives cause us to lose sleep, move less, and the “Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), is just that…SAD.
The good news is there are many paths in getting to well and staying there. I can vouch that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work.
Education, practice, and maybe a few wrong turns will eventually help you find what works best and get you to where you want to go.
individual services:
wellness work ups
health coaching
private yoga
group services for studios, corporations and wellness centers:
yoga classes
health wellness classes and workshops
I offer in-person yoga and health services in Northern New Jersey and the surrounding areas. I also provide the same services online.